Events Calendar

FMNB's Support Group meetings are held

      every first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm and
      every third Wednesday of each month from 1-3pm

at 401 First Ave West, North Bay, ON (Calvin Presbyterian Church) in Room 303.

The next scheduled FMNB's Support Group meetings are:

Latest Past Events

5th Annual Light Up the Night Challenge

The challenge is to get as many public buildings/places/structures, businesses and private residences as possible, in North Bay and area, to light up PURPLE on May 12th. This is an event held from the comfort of your home and/or business, … Continue reading

Our cozy meeting room
February 2023 15th 1-3pm
March 2023 1st 6-8pm
15th 1-3pm
April 2023 5th 6-8pm
19th 1-3pm
May 2023 3rd 6-8pm
17th 1-3pm
June 2023 5th 6-8pm
21st 1-3pm

Family, friends and caregivers are welcome

You can bring a beverage and/or snack

*** This is a NUTS and FRAGRANCE FREE space ***

We also provide a 24/7 virtual meeting space