Events Calendar

FMNB's Support Group meetings are held

      every first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm and
      every third Wednesday of each month from 1-3pm

at 401 First Ave West, North Bay, ON (Calvin Presbyterian Church) in Room 303.

The next scheduled FMNB's Support Group meetings are:

FMNB Support Group Meeting

Calvin Presbyterian Church 401 First Ave West, North Bay, Canada

Topic: Stress Management A common complaint among fibromyalgia sufferers is that stress exacerbates the condition. Stress can make the pain and other symptoms seem much more unbearable. How do you manage your stress? We will have some handouts available for … Continue reading

FMNB Support Group Meeting

Calvin Presbyterian Church 401 First Ave West, North Bay, Canada

Topic: To be announced

FMNB Support Group Meeting

Calvin Presbyterian Church 401 First Ave West, North Bay, Canada

Topic: To be announced

5th Annual Light Up the Night Challenge

The challenge is to get as many public buildings/places/structures, businesses and private residences as possible, in North Bay and area, to light up PURPLE on May 12th. This is an event held from the comfort of your home and/or business, … Continue reading

Our cozy meeting room
February 2023 15th 1-3pm
March 2023 1st 6-8pm
15th 1-3pm
April 2023 5th 6-8pm
19th 1-3pm
May 2023 3rd 6-8pm
17th 1-3pm
June 2023 5th 6-8pm
21st 1-3pm

Family, friends and caregivers are welcome

You can bring a beverage and/or snack

*** This is a NUTS and FRAGRANCE FREE space ***

We also provide a 24/7 virtual meeting space